[Profile] Gwamba

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Gwamba is a rapper from Malawi. He is legally known as Duncan Zgambo. Mr. Duncan was born on the 4th of November 1990. He is from a family of four children and grew up in Area 18, Lilongwe. Somewhere in 2005, he formed a rap group called Pittie Boys. Later in 2009, he went solo. Gwamba says his rap is greatly influenced by 50 Cent and The Basement. The Pettie Boys released Work That Thing which had some airplay. After going solo, Gwamba released songs including, Mmesa, Tikakumane Kumadzi, Sindingasiye Bawa, and Carina ya Mdala. In 2014, he was appointed UNFPA Malawi Safeguard Young People (SYP) Ambassador.
Music By Gwamba

Lipenga feat Quest
23 October 2022

Ma Photo ft. Emm Q
23 October 2022

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