[Profile] Bucci

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Growing up in a talented musical family meant that Bucci was always surrounded by different forms of music. His mother was a singer also in her family choir of sisters. and therefore he was exposed to a wealth of music as a child, all of which influenced his development. His first foray into learning an instrument himself came when he started to play the drums in a church band, which he continued with for acouple of years before finally picking up to be in a group named BBM CLIQUE, a decision which he looked forward ever. Bucci’s musical journey did begin in Malawi, however. Born in Blantyre Malawi , it was here that he developed his musical tastes and interests with the BBM Clique. After realizing that making music was his main goal, he began to showcase his talent in various venues across Blantyre n other townships and cities working under Ndefeyo entertainment performing at numerous gigs and making sure that his name and music were being heard by as many people as possible. He was quickly noted for the unique style that he brought to the traditional afropop and R&B scene, and his popularity began to grow. As his confidence grew and his style developed, he soon enough has seen a loyal following begin to grow and he's becoming a popular local hit artist in the Blantyre music scene. His talent with a variety of energetic performned only keeps adding to his appeal, and his unique R&B Afropop sound with a twist has started to find an appreciative audience
Music By Bucci

24 January 2023

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